Member Spotlight – Michelle Eden

***MEMBER SPOTLIGHT***This week’s member spotlight goes to Michelle Eden. Michelle joined Veteran Runners UK in January this year and has gone on to amaze all of us with her energy and commitment to running! Thank you for being an amazing part of the community and for sharing your story.

Tell us about yourself! Who are you and what do you like to do (other than running!)? I am Michelle Eden a housewife 54 years young this coming Friday. Hobbies other than running are basically an interest in other modes of fitness like swimming and gym work, -though I don’t indulge in that as I probably should.

Where are you from?
I was born and need in Wolverhampton and I still live there.

Please tell us about how your running journey began and what inspired you to start My running journey began in 2012—‘I’d had breast cancer and smoked all my adult life—my hubby—who is the same age as me—has ran al his adult life—he has never smoked or drink alcohol but he had previously tolerated my smoking. Once I’d had my mastectomy and started chemotherapy and was put on Tomoxafin–I immediately stopped smoking—–the weight PILED on—-very quick—I gained three stone in just three months and I was mortified. My hubby said I could lose weight by running and that he”d help me. He bought me some Saucony grid running shoes and took me out to initially walk/ run/ Walk/ run/ after he’d done his own running each night —he was already running twice a day and working nights with spasmodic sleep but he still took me out each and every night until I could run —albeit slowly —for an hour or so without stopping.—The weight stopped going on but it took a while to shift, but I really enjoyed the fresh air–enjoyed running with him and for once being able to empathise with his running chit chat. Once I came off tomoxafin weight , the weight dropped off and running got easier and quicker–My hubby encouraged me to enter the local parkrun and it mushroomed from there—I did parkrun after parkrun ran with my hubby and met more ” running ” friends—I’m thoroughly addicted

Are you part of a run group that you attend regularly and how does this help you? I am not in any running groups meaning I can run when, where and as far and as fast as I want.

What do you find inspires you to keep running?
Keep the weight off and get faster.What is the best race you have ever taken part in and why? The only ” race ‘ I’ve done local half marathon yesterday —-I’m hankering to do another

What are your running goals? Is there a particular race you would like to take part in or are working towards getting fit for?
A marathon

If you could ask the members of the Veteran Runners UK group anything what would it be?
No real questions for veteran members but enjoy hearing from them

What does running mean to you?
Running to me means a lot—a good run makes it a good day and visa versa—I rarely have a day off—I miss the endorphin rush too much.

If you could have running gadget and price wasn’t an issue what would it be?
The only gadget I want is my trusty Garmin.

Lightning round
Road or Trail? Road
Red Sauce or Brown Sauce? Brown
Dogs or cats? Both
Morning bird or night owl? Morning bird
Tea or coffee? Coffee

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